echo $happymsg
Files Delivered\nFile1.txt\nFile2.txt\n'
echo -e $happymsg
Files Delivered
Type: | To Move To: |
h | one space to the left (also try left arrow) |
j | one line down (also try down arrow) |
k | one line up (also try up arrow) |
l | one space to the right (also try right arrow) |
$ | end of current line |
^ | beginning of current line |
Enter | beginning first word on the next line |
G | end of file |
:n | line n; use :0 to move the beginning of the file |
w | beginning of next word; 5w moves to the beginning of the 5th word to the right |
e | end of next word |
b | beginning of previous word |
Ctrl-b | one page up |
Ctrl-f | one page down |
% | the matching (, ), [, ], {, or } (Press % with your cursor on one of these characters to move your cursor its mate.) |